Mike Winger's Accusations Against Benny Hinn
Was Mike Winger Fair? Adding Context and Perspective
Pt 3: Evaluating Winger's Emotional Outbursts
Pt 2: The Other Side of the Story
Pt 4: Benny Hinn, Mike Winger, and False Prophecies
Part 5: A Challenge to Mike Winger's Narrative on Repentance & Benny Hinn --What's not Being Said
Addressing Claims Made By Allen Parr Concerning Word of Faith, Charismatics, and Pentecostals
Part 1: Calling Things into Existence?
Part 2: Physical Healing in the Atonement
Part 3: Power to Get Wealth
Part 4: Does Jude 1:9 Mean we Can't Rebuke Satan?
Analysis of American Gospel: Christ Alone
Part 1: "You're Not David!"
Part 2: What is the "Prosperity Gospel'?
Response to American Gospel pt 3: Health, Wealth, and Happiness
Response to American Gospel pt 4:
Word of Faith Defectors
Response to American Gospel pt 5: Tickled Ears?
Responding to Allen Parr on the Believer's Authority
Responding to Allen Parr on the Believer's Authority part 1
Responding to Allen Parr on the Believer's Authority part 2
A Discussion with Revealing Truth on Bethel Church and Prophecy
Response to the American Gospel Roundtable
Response to an Orthodox Priest on Tongues
Response to The Remnant Radio on Word of Faith
Why Don't Faith Healers Ever Visit Hospitals?
Ruslan on Mark 11:23
Mike Winger and Bethel
Is Teaching Healing by Faith, "Cruel"?
Mike Winger and Isaiah 53
Responding to Wretched's Todd Friel on Cessationism
Responding to Allen Parr on the Gift of Speaking in Tongues
Defining Deception: Evaluating Claims Made by Costi Hinn
Evaluating Red Pen Logic's Comments on a Joel Osteen Quote
Analyzing Claims from How to Be Christian: Justification Apart From Works?
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Healing
Visits to Heaven and Hell: Addressing Common Objections
Do "Faith Healers" Visit Hospitals?
Following Up on Costi Hinn's Claims
Name it and Claim it? With Guest Rod Saunders From Jew and Greek. Feat. J Warner Wallace, Bobby Conway
Investigating Accusations Made Against Bethel on the Topic of Prophecy
Is Philippians 4:13 Being Taken out of Context?